
robert1028's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,930 (From 408 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 29,170 Points

Dash'n Knights

Medals Earned: 6/42 (40/485 points)

Combo Apprentice 5 Points

Hit 10 combos!

Damage Apprentice 5 Points

Hit 100 damages!

Perfect Combo 5 Points

Execute 2 consecutive combos!

Perfect Damage 5 Points

Manage 3 consecutive damage!

Hyper Damage 10 Points

Manage 4 consecutive damage!

Special Damage 10 Points

Manage 5 consecutive damage!

Counter Apprentice 5 Points

Do 10 counters!

Defense Apprentice 5 Points

Defend from 10 attacks!

Healer Apprentice 5 Points

Use potions to recover 100 HP!

Perfect Counter 5 Points

Manage 2 consecutive counters!

Combo Master 10 Points

Hit 100 combos!

Combo Veteran 10 Points

Hit 50 combos!

Counter Master 10 Points

Do 100 counters!

Counter Veteran 10 Points

Do 50 counters!

Damage Master 10 Points

Hit 10000 damages!

Damage Veteran 10 Points

Hit 1000 damages!

Defense Master 10 Points

Defend from 100 attacks!

Defense Veteran 10 Points

Defend from 50 attacks!

Earth Punisher 10 Points

Deal 100 earth damage!

Extravagant 10 Points

Spend 1000 or more gold!

Fire Punisher 10 Points

Deal 100 fire damage!

Healer Master 10 Points

Use potions to recover 5000 HP!

Healer Veteran 10 Points

Use potions to recover 1000 HP!

Hyper Combo 10 Points

Execute 4 consecutive combos!

Hyper Counter 10 Points

Manage 3 consecutive counters!

Hyper Overkill 10 Points

Manage 3 consecutive overkills!

Last Man Standing 10 Points

End a battle with only one member left in Extreme mode!

No Damage 10 Points

Finish a battle without taking any damage in Extreme mode!

Overkill Apprentice 10 Points

Overkill with 50 damage!

Overkill Master 10 Points

Overkill with 1000 damage!

Overkill Veteran 10 Points

Overkill with 500 damage!

Overwhelming 10 Points

Finish a battle in only one turn in Extreme mode!

Perfect Overkill 10 Points

Manage 2 consecutive overkills!

Rich Man 10 Points

Have 5000 or more gold!

Special Combo 10 Points

Execute 6 consecutive combos!

Special Counter 10 Points

Manage 4 consecutive counters!

Special Overkill 10 Points

Manage 4 consecutive overkills!

Treasure Hunter 10 Points

Collect 1000 gold!

Water Punisher 10 Points

Deal 100 water damage!

Wind Punisher 10 Points

Deal 100 wind damage!

Complete Game 25 Points

Finish the campaign!

Perfect Game 100 Points

Finish the campaign with all challenges cleared!

Days Of Blood

Medals Earned: 4/21 (25/460 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Kill your first enemy!

Flying death 5 Points

Kill 10 enemies throwing your sword!

Patient Player 10 Points

Watch all the intro of the game without skipping it.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Angry Knight 5 Points

Kill 100 enemies

Awkward Moment 5 Points

Die without killing anyone... awkward...

Shield Trash 5 Points

Kill 10 Enemies using your shield

Dead from above 10 Points

Kill 30 enemies throwing your sword!

Furious Knight 10 Points

Kill 200 Enemies

Shield Rage 10 Points

Kill 25 Enemies using your shield

Vicious Knight 10 Points

Kill 300 Enemies

Boom! Who's your daddy? 25 Points

Kill 80 Enemies using your shield

Killer 25 Points

Kill 400 Enemies

Medieval Sniper 25 Points

Kill 50 enemies throwing your sword!

My Shield Is My Weapon 25 Points

Kill 99 Enemies using your shield!

Shield Time Baby! 25 Points

Kill 50 Enemies using your shield

Blood for Dinner 50 Points

Kill 500 Enemies

Epic 50 Points

Kill all 666 enemies without dying.

Live To Kill 50 Points

Kill 600 Enemies! Haggr!

Ultimate Killing Machine 100 Points

Kill Everyone!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Dead Detention #4.5

Medals Earned: 5/6 (25/75 points)

Brain Storm 5 Points

Think of a plan.

Do The Thing 5 Points

Do The Thing.

Episode 4.5 5 Points

Start playing Episode4.5.

Nook 5 Points

Plz don't sue me nintendo.

Treason 5 Points

Finish the episode.

Golden Astronaut 50 Points

Find the hidden Golden Astronaut token.

Dead Paradise

Medals Earned: 4/14 (50/430 points)

gunner 5 Points

Kill 10 enemies

berserker 10 Points

Kill 50 enemies

medic 10 Points

Get 10 repair kits

novice 25 Points

Complete level 3

scholar 5 Points

Read the help at least one time

airKing 25 Points

Make 10 flips

bulletproof 25 Points

Complete the level with 100 health

chary 25 Points

Complete the level without using rockets

hungry 25 Points

Get 100 donuts

reaper 25 Points

Kill 100 enemies

grenadier 50 Points

Use rockets 50 times

mechanic 50 Points

Purchase all of the upgrades in the shop

professional 50 Points

Complete level 9

gladiator 100 Points

Defeat the big truck

Dead Paradise 3

Medals Earned: 26/44 (130/220 points)

Armourer (level 1) 5 Points

purchase 2 types of weapon

Armourer (level 2) 5 Points

purchase 4 types of weapon

Armourer (level 3) 5 Points

purchase 6 types of weapon

Armourer (level 4) 5 Points

purchase 8 types of weapon

Armourer (level 5) 5 Points

purchase 10 types of weapon

Astronomer (level 1) 5 Points

earn 10 stars

Astronomer (level 2) 5 Points

earn 20 stars

Astronomer (level 3) 5 Points

earn 27 stars

Driver (level 1) 5 Points

drive 10 kilometers

Driver (level 2) 5 Points

drive 50 kilometers

Driver (level 3) 5 Points

drive 70 kilometers

Driver (level 4) 5 Points

drive 100 kilometers

Driver (level 5) 5 Points

drive 150 kilometers

Gunner (level 1) 5 Points

kill 60 enemies with gun

Gunner (level 2) 5 Points

kill 150 enemies with gun

Gunner (level 3) 5 Points

kill 300 enemies with gun

Mechanic (level 1) 5 Points

purchase 3 upgrades

Mechanic (level 2) 5 Points

purchase 5 upgrades

Mechanic (level 3) 5 Points

purchase 10 upgrades

Persistent (level 1) 5 Points

make 1 restarts after defeat

Rocketeer (level 1) 5 Points

kill 40 enemies with rocket

Rocketeer (level 2) 5 Points

kill 70 enemies with rocket

Spender (level 1) 5 Points

spend 10,000 money

Spender (level 2) 5 Points

spend 20,000 money

Spender (level 3) 5 Points

spend 50,000 money

Spender (level 4) 5 Points

spend 100,000 money

Arsonist (level 1) 5 Points

burn 10 enemies

Arsonist (level 2) 5 Points

burn 20 enemies

Arsonist (level 3) 5 Points

burn 50 enemies

Arsonist (level 4) 5 Points

burn 100 enemies

Arsonist (level 5) 5 Points

burn 150 enemies

Astronomer (level 4) 5 Points

earn 36 stars

Astronomer (level 5) 5 Points

earn 39 stars

Gunner (level 4) 5 Points

kill 500 enemies with gun

Gunner (level 5) 5 Points

kill 700 enemies with gun

Mechanic (level 4) 5 Points

purchase 15 upgrades

Mechanic (level 5) 5 Points

purchase 20 upgrades

Persistent (level 2) 5 Points

make 3 restarts after defeat

Persistent (level 3) 5 Points

make 5 restarts after defeat

Persistent (level 4) 5 Points

make 7 restarts after defeat

Persistent (level 5) 5 Points

make 10 restarts after defeat

Rocketeer (level 3) 5 Points

kill 150 enemies with rocket

Rocketeer (level 4) 5 Points

kill 225 enemies with rocket

Rocketeer (level 5) 5 Points

kill 300 enemies with rocket

Dead Pirate's Chest

Medals Earned: 4/18 (145/340 points)

Adventurer 10 Points

Collect all the upgrades for the girl pirate

Big Daddy 10 Points

Defeat the "Big Mom" Boss

Desperado 25 Points

Defeat the "Mucho Miguel" Boss

Treasure Hunter 100 Points

Complete the game

Chief I 5 Points

Destroy 75 aboriginals

Chief II 10 Points

Destroy 150 aboriginals

Chief III 10 Points

Destroy 300 aboriginals

Corsair I 10 Points

Destroy 75 federals

Corsair II 10 Points

Destroy 150 federals

Corsair III 10 Points

Destroy 300 federals

Muchacho I 10 Points

Destroy 75 Mexicans

Muchacho II 10 Points

Destroy 150 Mexicans

Pirate 10 Points

Collect all upgrades for the pirate captain

Sailor 10 Points

Collect all the upgrades for the pirate clodhopper

Captain 25 Points

Collect all upgrades

Exorcist II 25 Points

Destroy 150 skeletons

Exorcist III 25 Points

Destroy 300 skeletons

Muchacho III 25 Points

Destroy 300 Mexicans


Medals Earned: 1/9 (25/500 points)

Insight Acquired 25 Points

Complete the tutorial levels.

10 Victories 25 Points

Achieve 10 victories.

Helping Hand 25 Points

Use a soldier airdrop.

100 Headshots 50 Points

Get 100 headshots.

100 Melee Kills 100 Points

Get 100 melee kills.

1000 Kills 100 Points

Get 1000 kills.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Death vs Monstars 2

Medals Earned: 3/9 (45/345 points)

Adventurous 10 Points

Complete any challenge

Warmed Up 10 Points

Level 2 completed

Just Die Already 25 Points

Grinning Colossus killed for good

Scrap Metal 25 Points

Kill the Mecha-Fishhead

Too Easy 25 Points

Kill the Grinning Colossus in 35 seconds

Can't Touch This! 50 Points

Stop. Hammertime. Challenge 4 completed.

Egg of Fail 50 Points

Finish off the Final Boss

Jeweller 50 Points

Disassemble the Crystal Boss

Cleaning up 100 Points

Score more than 160,000 in High Score mode

Deliver That Fulp

Medals Earned: 4/13 (40/155 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Derp and Derpina

Medals Earned: 1/4 (50/300 points)

Good start 50 Points

Won the first question

Finish the game 50 Points

The medal that Derp gives you in the end

Alone forever 100 Points

Lost every disscution with Derpina

Like a boss 100 Points

Finish the game without any mistake